Celebrating World HeART Day with a Design A Heart competition!  🎨❣️

We want YOU to put the ART for World HeART Day on Sunday 29th September in an exciting competition!

Simply design a heart in whichever way you like and send it in online or post. It’s open to all ages, and three designs will be selected by a representative from the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit for prizes!

This is your chance to shine – whether you love to draw, paint, or craft, create a heart that shows your journey with CHD, remembers a loved one, celebrates those who’ve helped along the way… or something completely different!

Open to all ages. Comms Express will also donate a % of sales from that day to the fundraiser! 

There are three prizes up for grabs:

  • 1st Prize: £100 Amazon Voucher
  • 2nd Prize: £25 Amazon Voucher
  • 3rd Prize: £25 Amazon Voucher

Enter The Competition Here

Winning designs will be chosen by a representative from the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit.

Comms Express will also donate a % of sales from that day to the fundraiser! 

Competition closes 25th September 2024 and winners will be announced 30th September!

Children’s Heart Surgery